The Journal of Bamboo and Rattan

Journal of Bamboo and Rattan is an electronic, peer-reviewed, international journal published quarterly by KSCSTE- Kerala Forest Research Institute in an open access mode (without any APC) and is the leading scientific journal on Bamboo and Rattan from India. The official shorter version of the Journal name is   J. Bamboo Rattan.

The journal is intended as a platform for communicating all the scientific activates on bamboo and rattan. Besides full length research articles, the journal publishes shorter research communications and review articles. The Journal of bamboo and rattan is followed and shared by a large community of scientists, academicians, educators, policy makers, managers, and the general public.


  1. Biology, genetic resources and conservation
  2. Biotechnology and genetic improvement
  3. Environment
  4. Propagation
  5. Management of natural stands and plantations
  6. Utilization, value addition and engineering applications
  7. Marketing and socio-economics
  8. Policy issues

The Authors have to agree to permit publication of accepted papers under a user license equivalent to the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Members of the Editorial Board ensure the monitoring and safeguarding of the publishing ethics. This comprises the strict policy on plagiarism and fraudulent data, the strong commitment to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed, and the strict preclusion of business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards.

If you are an author seeking information regarding editorial policies or if you have questions about submitting a manuscript, please first review the Guidelines to Authors at the Submit page.

For Editorial and submissions inquires mail to [email protected]